↓↓ The original English version is bellow 🙂
法律用語で、契約書に含まれるこのような条項は、契約当事者の一人が心神喪失に陥った場合、契約無効となることを意味します。それを聞いたチコは不安になりますが、グルーチョは「大丈夫、どの契約書にも書いてあるから」と言いきかせます。チコはその後、サンタクロースはいないという含みを込めて “You can’t fool me, there ain’t no Sanity Clause (Santa Claus) ”「私をだませませんよ、正気条項なんてないでしょ(サンタはいないでしょ)」と答えます。



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Santa Claus and the contract clauses for Christmas
Here in Australia, much excitement associated with the celebration of Christmas. Apart from the religious importance (marking the birth of Jesus, the most important date in Christian religion), there’s also business and family influence due to a lengthy public holiday beginning on Christmas eve, 24 December 2024 and most workplaces will be closed for two weeks (!) through to 6 January 2025.
In my household, Christmas is a very special time for celebrating with family and there is much fun and festivity including the joy of Santa Claus. As long as you have been good character during the year, Santa will bring gifts to your house on Christmas eve. The existence of Santa however continues to be a topic of debate, and maybe he is only real as your parents when you were younger….
It reminds me of the famous line in the classic Hollywood movie of the Marx Brothers in 1934 where there was a scene when Groucho Marx was explaining the terms contained in a business contract to Chico Marx and Groucho mentions that the Contract contains a “sanity clause”. In legal terms, such a clause included in a Contract means that the Contract is invalid if one of the parties to the Contract became insane. Chico then becomes unsure, and Groucho (playing the role of a lawyer) assures him, “it’s alright, that’s in every Contract”. Chico then responds, “You can’t fool me, there aren’t no sanity clause” with the implication of him meaning (in English) that there was no Santa Claus.
What other laws relate to Christmas? Could you believe that Christmas celebrations haven’t always been legal in the UK, and neither in the USA! For example, in mid-1600 both the English and Scottish Parliaments passed laws abolishing the “Yule” holiday for Christmas. A similar prohibition was imposed in Massachusetts between 1659 and 1681 when the Puritan settlers considered that the Christmas feast of food and drink was a dishonor to God.
Nowadays, Christmas is legal (and encouraged) in the UK. However, it’s illegal to drive in a Santa suit as it may impede your ability to drive!
And, celebrating Christmas is banned in at least five countries including North Korea. I guess Santa won’t be welcome to visit in those countries.
Now that we’ve established that Santa is real, what happens if, after delivering the Christmas gifts to your house, he suffers injury tripping on an electrical cord (used to power the Christmas lights) running across the garden path. Can he sue for financial compensation?
The owners of land in Australia owe a legal duty of care to any person entering their premises to ensure that reasonable steps are taken for their safety. The basic rationale for this law is that a visitor entering the property should not suffer injury by virtue of the state of the premises.
Santa can sue me for financial compensation, including his medical bills as well as loss of salary and an allowance for any likely future expenses. To trigger his entitlement to compensation, Santa needs to demonstrate that there is a legal fault that created the hazard which caused the injury. It is not necessary to demonstrate a criminal fault. It is more low-level failure to take reasonable care for the safety of visitors. By allowing the electrical cord to run across the garden path is likely to be adjudged as a legal fault under civil law. If I had taken proper precaution I could have avoided the injury to Santa such as covering the cord with tape or configuring the lights so that the electricity power could be connected in a different manner such as running across the wall of the house and up into the roof line. Plus, it’s likely to be influential that I did not provide any warning to Santa about the potential tripping hazard of the cord across the garden path.
And, if the garden path was dark or in dim light on Santa’s arrival that is likely to contribute to the higher likelihood of injury. If I had illuminated the path with flood lights then it might have been obvious to Santa that there was a cord running across the path that he should avoid tripping over as he walked in that area of my garden.
In each State of Australia there is government law which regulates the imposition of this type of financial compensation. One of the aspects considered by the government law is whether the visitor to my property is a lawful guest or a trespasser. If Santa is considered to be a trespasser without lawful permission to visit my house then he may under the government law be disentitled to financial compensation. The rationale is that Santa would in those circumstances be considered a criminal and so should not benefit from his criminal activity.
There is a further twist under Australian law. If the presence of the trespasser was reasonably foreseeable by the homeowner, then the trespasser would be entitled to claim financial compensation notwithstanding that the trespasser is engaged in an illegal entry onto the property.
In my youth, I was so fortunate to be part of a large family celebration with extended family in Ballarat, an historic town in southern Australia. My Aunty cooked a delicious Christmas pudding, with the tradition of placing small coins inside the cake as symbol of good luck and wealth for the new year. It was considered good fortune if you found one of the coins in your slice of Christmas pudding and this lovely tradition dates back to early 1300s when a small silver coin was baked into the Christmas eve cake in England. (My Aunt used historic threepences coins that she saved from when she was a youngster because the current decimal coins used in Australia are made of different metals and are not suitable to mix with food).
In my own Christmas festivities this year, there is the ever-scintillating debate as to who is lawfully entitled to the first slice of ham at the evening meal at my house on Christmas Day. Does the person who cooked the ham hold an equitable interest at law to receive the first choice cut? I certainly hope so! And, here’s wishing a very Merry Christmas and hoping that you encounter good fortune in the New Year regardless of whether you discover any coin in your slice of Christmas pudding.