
Statement of Senator Edward Kennedy on the Immigration Provisions of H.R. 10
Cite as “Posted on AILA InfoNet at Doc. No. 04101261 (Oct. 12, 2004).”2.
October 11, 2004
Mr. Kennedy. Mr. President. I have serious concerns about the direction our Republican colleagues in the House of Representatives have taken on the legislation to implement the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.
The House bill, H.R.10, departs in significant and problematic ways from the Commission’s specifically-tailored recommendations to protect our country against future terrorist attacks. The recommendations call for preventing terrorist travel, establishing an effective screening system to protect our borders, transportation systems, and other vital facilities, expediting full implementation of a biometric entry-exit screening system, establishing global border security standards by working with trusted allies, and standardizing identity documents and birth certificates.
Instead of adhering to these carefully considered measures, as the Senate has done, the House Republican leadership has included long-rejected, anti-immigrant proposals that have nothing to do with the Commission’s recommendations. The House bill severely limits the rights of immigrants, asylum seekers, and victims of torture and fails to strengthen the security of our nation.
Among the worst provisions in the House bill are those which create insurmountable obstacles and burdens for asylum seekers, including many women and children, eliminate judicial review, including theconstitutional writ of habeas corpus, for certain immigration orders, and which allow the deportation of individuals to countries where they are likely to be tortured, in violation of our international treaty obligations.
Many share my concerns with the House bill. The list of critics, lead byfamilies of the 9/11 victims, is rapidly growing. A recent letter to House members, signed by more than two dozen family members of persons who died in the terrorist attacks, states that the immigration provisions are outside the scope of the Commission’s recommendations and urges House members not to enact them. To underscore their concerns, the families state their “strong collective position that legislation to implement the 9/11 Commission recommendations not be used in a politically divisive manner.”
Similarly, the chair of the 9/11 Commission, Thomas Kean, has said that the House immigration provisions “which are controversial and are not part of our recommendations to make the American people safer perhaps ought to be part of another bill at another time.” Likewise, the vice-chair, Lee Hamilton, warned that the inclusion of these “controversial provisions at this late hour can harm our shared purpose of getting a good bill to the President before the 108th Congress adjourns.”

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